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Archive for the 'What’s New?' Category


Feb 05 2014 Published by KlubTeam under Uncategorized,What's New?

Team Girls,

Get you reserve your tickets TODAY!

Jan 20 2014 Published by KlubTeam under What's New?

Happy Monday Team Girls!

1st Prelim Gym Competition

Sep 30 2013 Published by KlubTeam under What's New?

Team Girls,


Amazing Job at last Saturdays competition. We are all

very proud of all the hard work you have done.

WAY TO GO GIRLS! Keep up the good work!


- Coach Tricia

Tuesday Blog Update

Sep 24 2013 Published by KlubTeam under What's New?

Team Girls,

Make sure you check the Klub Team blog


Wear your hair in a side ponytail today at

practice and get a PRIZE!!!

- Coach Tricia

Who is yours???

Jul 24 2013 Published by KlubTeam under What's New?


Who is your favorite Olympic gymnasts?


2012 Olympic team champions Maroney, Ross set to compete at Secret U.S. Classic

Jul 15 2013 Published by KlubTeam under What's New?

2012 Olympic champions McKayla Maroney

and Kyla Ross are among those expected

to compete at the Secret U.S. Classic, taking

place July 27 in Chicago.Check it out!




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