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Important Team Info

Aug 18 2011

Attention Team Parents!
Here are a couple of reminders regarding upcoming events:
  • August workouts are still taking place!!!!! Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in Aug. we hold two workouts. One from 3:00-5:00 and another from 5:00-6:30 pm. The girls are welcome to stay for both workouts and receive a 15% discount. I highly recommend sending your athlete to as many of these workouts as possible. Please call the office to reserve your spot. Keep in mind, workouts will be cancelled if enrollment does not consist of at least 3 gymnasts. Please call first if you plan on dropping in. Competition season is right around the corner and we will only be sending athletes who are prepared and confident in their routines.
  • Our Parent Meeting/Pizza Party is Saturday, September 10th from 2:00-4:00 pm. This is a mandatory meeting for at least one parent from each household. The girls will do an hour of open gym starting at 2:00, followed by pizza. At 3:00, the parent meeting will start promptly. During this time, the gymnasts will enjoy their pizza and stay in the lobby area, while the parents meet out on the floor. An email regarding this meeting was sent to you last month. If you did not receive it for any reason, please let me know and I will resend it to you.
  • Our Competition Calendar is available for you to see on our website. We have the schedule for the upcoming meets through December. This way, you can check your schedules ahead of time. You can receive competition details by simply clicking on the competition name. The price, registration deadline, address, level of competition, etc. is ALL available to you. The only thing that is not listed is the actual session time. We will not receive the meet itinerary until a couple of weeks before the meet.
  • Our First Prelim is Sep.17 &18. (As stated before, the session time is not available yet. This means we will either be competing that Saturday OR Sunday. Not both) This competition includes Level 3s AND 4s. The deadline to sign up for this meet is Friday, Aug. 19th. To sign up, simply send an email to to reserve your spot in the competition.
  • Keep in mind that our second competition is Sep. 24th & 25th. This meet is available to Level 4s only. The deadline to sign up is Monday, Aug. 29th. More information regarding this meet is on the calendar.
*** Now that the competition calendar is available to you, it is your responsibility to sign up for the ones you want by the registration deadline. There will not be reminder emails about every competition available to our athletes.

Please confirm, by email, that you received this information.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing you all on Sep.10th!
Coach Tanya