Call 323.227.5582
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  1. How does enrollment work?
    Our classes meet once a week, so we ask that you choose a class that fits your schedule and then sign up for a free trial through our parent portal. Click here to create an account and enroll! If your desired class is full you can place your child on the waitlist and we will contact you when a spot becomes available.
  2. Is membership charged monthly?
    Yes, we email statements on the 15th of each month and collect tuition for the upcoming month on the 20th of each month. Your enrollment automatically continues from month to month until we receive your intent to withdraw. To withdraw please email us or click here to submit our Withdrawal Form by the 19th of the month to ensure you are not charged for the upcoming month.
  3. Do you offer scholarships?
    We offer 50% off tuition for families who live in the Frogtown community, an area between Oros St. and Fletcher Ave. and between Riverside Dr. and the LA River. Proof of residence is required in order to be eligible for the Frogtown Discount. We also extend this discount to armed service personnel, firefighters, and police officers.
  4. If my child was previously enrolled, how can I re-enroll him/her?
    You can enroll your child via our parent portal or call us to re-enroll. Click here to log in to our parent portal. If you are returning and have paid a previous membership fee, you will not need to do so again. Membership fees are per child.
  5. How do I withdraw from classes?
    There are two ways to withdraw, you can submit our Withdrawal Form by clicking here or email us at Submitting a request to withdraw by the 19th of the month will prevent charges for the upcoming month. The Withdrawal Form applies to classes only and does not apply to camps or events.
  6. Can I get a discount if I pay upfront for a bundle of classes?
    With the exception of explicitly stated special offers, we do not offer a discount for paying for multiple months in advance. We do not have the ability to charge for multiple months in advance.
  7. Do I have to pay for a full month of tuition if I sign up mid-month?
    No, if you sign up mid-month, we will prorate your current month's tuition, so you only pay for the classes you receive. Additionally, if you sign up the same day as your trial, you will receive 20% off the current month!
  8. What is a "trial" class and how does it work?
    We offer a no obligation free trial class for all first-time students. The trial is designed to test a child's skills and place them in the appropriate level. Our customer service team will do their best to ensure your trial class is scheduled in the appropriate level for your child, but it will be up to your child's coach to make the final decision. We ask that you schedule your trial class at a time that will work for you each week going forward if you decide to enroll.
  9. Is there a sibling discount?
    Yes, we give a 10% discount to the second child's tuition, 7% off of the third child's tuition and 5% off every child's tuition after that.
  10. Is there a multi-class discount?
    Yes, much like our sibling discount, we give 10% off a child's second class, 7% off of the third class and 5% off for every class after that.
  11. Are you a licensed daycare?
    We are not a licensed daycare.
  12. Do you have classes for special needs children?
    We do not have specific classes designed for children with special needs, but we are happy to have them! All of our coaches are more than happy to work with children with special needs and will modify their class so that they are comfortable.
  13. Are recreational gymnastics classes labeled as "boy" or "girl" specifically for kids of that specified gender only?
    These classes are boys or girls apparatus focused. Under our governing body, USAG, boys equipment consists of high bar, pommel horse, rings, floor exercise, vault, and parallel bars. Girls apparatus consists of balance beam, floor exercise, vault, and uneven bars. While we recommend your child enroll in one or the other in order to get the most out of their practice and learn to master the apparatus in their discipline, our classes are open to anyone interested in learning. Parents and students should be aware, however, that a class labeled as a boys class will consist of mostly boys and a girls class will consist mostly of girls. Each class will also spend the majority of its time practicing its USAG - designated apparatus.
  14. Can I schedule makeups online?
    Yes! Click here for instructions.
  15. Is there a waitlist or stand-by for makeup classes?
    We do not have waitlists or a stand-by option for makeup classes. Makeup classes are offered on a first call, first served basis. We reserve one extra spot in every class just for makeups, and only one makeup is allowed in each class with the exception that we allow multiple makeups to be scheduled on the same day as the class in classes with multiple openings.
  16. Does my child have to be an active student to take advantage of a makeup class?
    Yes, due to liability reasons, students must be actively enrolled to take advantage of makeup classes.
  17. If a class already has a makeup scheduled, but also has available spots for enrollment, why can't you schedule two makeups in the class?
    With the exception of same-day make up enrollments, we limit each class to one makeup enrollment to ensure there will be space for students who might want to take trial in the class.
  18. Can I come in as a walk-in?
    Yes, but if you walk in on the day of the class you want to attend, we can't promise we will have an opening in the class. If we do you have an opening, we will have you register with us online as a trial or as a one-time class. Your child will not be able to participate in the floor activities until the registration is complete. For these reasons, we recommend registering for a class from home for a date sometime within the upcoming week.
  19. The website states that the class that I want is full, is there a way to bypass the wait list to get into the class?
    No, in an effort to be fair to all, we are adamant about our first come first serve waitlist policy.
  20. Do current members get priority on wait lists?
    No, waitlists are always kept in order by sign-up date.
  21. My child is turning 6 in a few months, why can’t I place him/her on a wait list for a beginner class now?
    Due to safety and developmental concerns we are only able to add a child to an older class if they are within one month of being the minimum age for the class.
  22. Do you have open gym? 
    We do not have an open gym during our scheduled classes at this time. Please check back for updates.
  23. Do you have open gym for adults?
    We do not currently offer open gym for adults but we do offer adult classes four times a week. Click here for more information
  24. Do you have classes for children 10 and up?
    Yes, we offer classes for toddlers through adults.
  25. Can my Kamp or Klub Night Out charge be applied to classes?
    We are unable to apply Kamp or Klub Night Out charges to classes. Kamp and Klub Night Out are special events that are offered under a different program from our classes.
  26. Can I bring alcohol to a birthday party?
    Yes, but due to our strict no glass policy, alcohol cannot be served in glass containers. You cannot sell alcohol at a birthday party.
  27. Does it cost money to use the exercise equipment?
    Our workout area for families of students, Klub Kardio, costs $5 per use. We also have prepaid punch card options available at our front desk that significantly decrease the cost per-use. Klub Kardio is an added service available to our members and not something that is included in membership. Klub Kardio fees cover our cost to maintain the equipment.
  28. What is TKG's dress code?
    TKG requires that all students remove shoes and socks, as well as jewelry before beginning class. We recommend athletic wear that allows for lots of movement - shorts and a t-shirt is fine for most kids, and girls may wear leotards. Long hair should be tied up out of the way and fingernails should be trimmed.




Address: 1683 Blake Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Phone: 323.227.KLUB, 323.227.5582
Fax: 323.223.KLUB
Monday 8:30 am to 7:45 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am to 7:45 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am to 7:45 pm
Thursday 8:30 am to 7:45 pm
Friday 8:30 am to 7:45 pm
Saturday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
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Serving: Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Franklin Hills, Frogtown, Elysian Valley, Echo Park, Los Angeles, NELA, Pasadena, South Pasadena, DTLA, West Hollywood, Glassell Park, Glendale, Burbank, Highland Park, Eagle Rock, La Canada, Hollywood, Atwater Village
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